About the contest

FLAR seeks to promote the exchange and discussion of ideas that contribute to the macroeconomic and financial stability of the region. Aware of the great talent in the region, FLAR summons undergraduate university students from Latin America and the Caribbean to an essay contest on the region’s macroeconomic and financial stability, using the FLAR Economic Information System as the main source of information.

Contest features

Participation criteria

The contest is open for students attending the last three semesters of careers such as economics, commercial engineering, industrial engineering, finance, business administration and similar careers, interested in conducting research on topics related to macroeconomics in Latin America and the Caribbean. Students must be enrolled in a university in any country in the region as a regular student or its equivalent. Participants must use the SIE as their primary information source. Participation shall be on an individual basis, and authors may submit only one essay.


The theme of the essays for this first version of the contest will focus on the challenges the region is facing in terms of its macroeconomic and financial stability over the past decade.

Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee will include principal investigator of the Economic Studies Directorate (DEE, for its acronym in Spanish), two officials from member central banks, and one representative from the academic sector. This committee will determine the criteria and procedures for the evaluation of the essays and will therefore select the essays that will receive the awards presented by the organization of the contest.


The top 3 essays will be awarded the following prizes:

Best essay: USD 3.000;
Second place: USD 2.000;
Third place: USD 1.000.


Essays should be sent in PDF format to concursosie@flar.net, mailbox that will also be enabled to address any doubts and questions.

Suba su ensayo aquí:

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